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Friday, September 19, 2014

Santorini HDTV

Thassos & Kavala Greece

Your Soul - Past, Present and Future

Your Soul - Past, Present and Future

Freeing the Soul Using the Soul Screening Technique by 

I wrote this book for anyone who wishes to know more about Hypnosis, Past Lives, Future Lives, and my exclusive technique called Soul Screening in alternate lifetimes. If your Soul has been calling to you, then this book may be for you. For the Hypnotherapist, I have included details on how to use this technique and effectively incorporate it into your practice for the benefit of both you and your clients. This book contains actual cases. If you are not a Hypnotherapist, you will enjoy the awareness and intrigue of the Soul’s communications with the Hypnotherapist as the Hypnotherapist is able to help the client permanently clear the issues they presented. It will also help you to understand what questions to ask when looking for a Hypnotherapist to help you. 
MyGreekSpirit Reading your book via online ebook download copy!! well worth it and lovingly written by one of the most gracious and wise teachers I have ever had the pleasure of learning from...I thank you from the bottom of my heart for embracing me and allowing me to be part of your world once again...forever a kindered past present and who knows....we might meet another land another time another experience ..and you will once again....teach me more. Love and affection always.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Evidence of Reincarnation

Walter Semkiw, MD and Jim Tucker, MD discuss the reincarnation research of Ian Stevenson, MD, which involves children's past life memories that can be factually verified. Children's past lives provide evidence or proof of reincarnation and are presented as reincarnation stories at Dr. Semkiw also introduces the reincarnation case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen. Barbro Karlen relates her childhood past life memories of being Holocaust victim Anne Frank. Barbro was a child prodigy writer, much like Anne, and Barbro has the same facial features as Anne. Anne Frank was persecuted as a Jew by the Nazis, whereas Barbro was born into a Christian family in Sweden 9 years after Anne's death. This case dramatically shows how religion and nationality can change from one lifetime to another, an observation that can transform society and make the world a more peaceful place. Note that if the Nazis knew that one could be born Jewish in one incarnation and Christian in another, then the Holocaust could never have happened. Reincarnation research also shows that we plan lifetimes to be reunited with loved ones & to equalize karma from past life relationships.